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2022 - 2022 - Year in ReviewYear in Review

Cobra Kai Alien January of 2022. Honk honk goes trucks in Canada. Russia invades Ukraine. Dead Attic February. Will Smith Slaps Free Speech March. Memes World Productions April. Mango Haze Picard Twitter May. Stumble Chat June. SnapChat Ben Shapiro Lauren Southern Cow July.

FBI Trump Raid August. Roy Merrick Into The Wild September. YouTube Deleted My 10K+ Videos October. Geraldy Destroyed My Discord. Oregon. Twitter Elon Musk Restores Trump November. Kanye West Alex Jones Snow Hill Joshua December.

2022 - YEAR IN REVIEW JANUARY | FEBRUARY | MARCH | APRIL | MAY | JUNE | JULY | AUGUST | SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER | NOVEMBER | DECEMBER THE TWENTY-TWENTIES 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | DECADE-HUB | HISTORY | GROUP MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY HISTORY | HIGHLIGHTS | THE 1900s | THE 2000s MY NAME IS OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD ABOUT | CONTACT | CONTENT | GROUPS | SUPPORT | AUDIO | ARTICLES | PHOTOS | MUSIC | STORE | VIDEOS | WEBSITES | ETC MEA OMNIA MEANS EVERYTHING DIRECTORY | HISTORY | SEARCH | TOPICS | ARCHITECTURE | ARTS | CULTURE | EDUCATION | ENTERTAINMENT | GEOGRAPHY | HEALTH | LANGUAGE | LAW | LIFE | PLAY | POLITICS | RELIGION | SCIENCE | TECHNOLOGY | WORK | OTHERWISE Young Infowars Alex Jones Was My Avatar in 2022 Oatmeal Yearly - 2022 - Year in Review | Published in January of 2023 BY OATMEAL JOEY ARNOLD ACCOUNTS | GROUPS | LIBRARY | PEOPLE | PLACES | PRINCIPLES | ARCHIVE | FILES | GAMES | LINKS | MAPS | NEWS | SERIES | TIMELINE | MORE WHERE TO FIND ME ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB BLOGS | WEBSITES | BLURT | DREAM | ECENCY | HIVE | PEAKD | READ | SEREY | STEEMIT | VOILK | OTHER Cobra Kai Alien 2022-01 - JANUARY - MONTH IN REVIEW I enjoy watching Cobra Kai and Resident Alien Coolest thing that happened in January of 2022 wasn't Resident Alien, The Witcher, the raised bed, the destruction of Dexter, Trump, Covid Exposed, or even Cobra Kai. Instead, it would be the millions of people protesting against tyranny in Canada right now. Cobra Kai Saturday the first day of January of 2022. Simp Cast Sunday. Karate Kid Full House Ice Snow Monday. Bonsai Karate Within You Tuesday. Autism Not Normal Wednesday. Before Christ Created Thursday. Before After Christ Expanse Friday. 4 Decades Compare Photo Game Saturday. Killing Dexter Killed Dexter Sunday the 9th. DARPA Trending on Twitter Monday. Krista Novva Tuesday. Pfizer is Lucifer Wednesday. Judge Dredd Fauci Thursday. Atlantic Charter Friday. Trump Arizona Rally Saturday. Moved TV Desk Sunday the 17th. MASKS KILLED HER. SHE COMMITTED SUICIDE BECAUSE YOU WEAR MASKS. YOU ARE A MURDERER Monday. Carbon Dioxide Masks Tuesday. Uncontrollable Controlled Collapsed Wednesday. Nick Fuentes of Cozy TV Thursday. Luke is Leaving Tim Cast For Florida Friday. Added shelf to over my TV. Temptation Witcher Saturday. New Table, Cookie Crumbles Sunday the 24th. Cranky Monday. History of News Tuesday. Garage Man-Hole Door Replaced Wednesday. Sorry Thursday. Easy On Eyes Frosk Gone Wild Friday. Added legs to my bed legs Saturday. Resident Evil is Better Than Dexter New Blood Sunday the 30th. Money Qualities Auction Monday. Honking Dead Attic 2022-02 - FEBRUARY - MONTH IN REVIEW Biggest thing for me this month was Dead Attic. Global Warming Climate Change is Man-Made Via Geoengineering Tuesday the first day of February of 2022. Honkcast Wednesday. Wizard Reboots Can Suck Thursday. Canada KKK Freedom Trucks Friday. Atlantis Saturday. Battery Meme Begam Sunday the 6th. Alex Jones Joe Rogan Sunday Monday. Putin War Tuesday. The Syrian Girl Wednesday. Canada Bans Give Send Go Thursday. My 37th birthday. Truckers Uprising Friday. Sean Kanan Moments Saturday. Inventing Anna Esther Sunday the 13th. Devil Valentines Monday. Dead Wing Dork Duck Tuesday. China Girl On The Next Coming Virus Wednesday. Trucks Xanga Thursday. FREEDOM CONVOY ANTHEM Friday. Dead Wing Reaction Saturday. Esther Sunday the 20th. Donbas Monday. Pluto Returns Tuesday. I identified as a Canadian trucker Wednesday. Russia Ukraine Thursday. Shelton Music Friday. Dicks Aint Chicks Saturday. Trump CPAC Sunday. Game Boy EA Music Store Monday. Will Smith Slaps Free Speech 2022-03 - MARCH - MONTH IN REVIEW Society Driving Off a Cliff Chinese Anchor Babies SOTU Tuesday the first day of March of 2022. Losing Friends Wednesday. Globalists WANT YOU to be ANGRY at Russia Thursday. Dave Silverman and Kristi Leigh Friday. Where Oatmeal Goes Video Saturday. 90 PERCENT OF ALL HUMANS ON EARTH TO BE DEAD BY 2030 Sunday the 6th. Check out Emerald Robinson Monday. RIP John Bartolo Tuesday. Bitcoin Forever Wednesday. Duck Duck Gone Thursday. GMO Mosquitoes Friday. Fire in Your Eyes Saturday. Clip Me Sunday the 13th. Eagle Music Soul Monday. Real Fake Ukraine Vietnam Tuesday. Brutal Reality Wednesday. Captain Reset Will Bring Population Down to Zero Thursday. Robbery Game Friday. DMZ Shining Vale Saturday. Rising Rain Sunday the 20th. Walking Dead Negan Redemption Monday. Child Porn Means Child Rape Tuesday. Battle Plans DOT News Wednesday. Picard Geoengineering Thursday. Fuck Coke Cock Friday. Nazi Nasa Saturday. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock Sunday the 27th. Will Smith Fucks Free Speech Monday. My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You is on YouTube Tuesday. Words Are Not Violence Wednesday. Picard Sucks Now Thursday. Memes World Productions April 2022-04 - APRIL - MONTH IN REVIEW Watch Me Live on YouTube Video at Memes World Productions YouTube Strawberries World Government Summit Friday the first day of April of 2022. Michael Malice Saturday. Stop Eating Babies Sunday. Hide Yo Kids Monday. Beat of the Music, ASOV Tuesday. American Government Worked With Nazis Wednesday. THE REAL ARNOLD ATTIC Thursday. Real King Cobra Friday. The Discord Show Saturday. Ten Hour Live Stream Sunday the 10th. Wrestlemania 2022 Monday. Snow Tuesday. Billy Talks With Red Dog Wednesday. Arnold Attic Show Thursday. Elon Musk Twitter Friday. Next Five Years Video Saturday. I appeared on Chrissie Mayr's Simp Cast Sunday the 17th. Communist Power Puff Girls Monday. Daily YouTube Upload Limit Tuesday. Pizza Documentary Wednesday. Lauren Southern on Tim Cast Thursday. Support Me Amazon Wish List Friday. Stream Yard Day Saturday. Potluck Sandy Hook Alex Jones Sunday the 24th. Disabled But Deadly Monday. Twitter White Wizard LOTR Tuesday. Ariadna Jacob Wednesday. Near Death Experiences (NDE) Thursday. YouTube Jail Friday. Lola Drama Saturday. Mango Haze Picard Twitter 2022-05 - MAY - MONTH IN REVIEW Grace from Fear The Walking Dead Japan Robot Wife Sunday the 1st day of May 2022. YouTube Sucks, Red Letter Media Picard Fun Monday. Joey Arnold Fandom Tuesday. Hive Blog Tim Cast Wednesday. The 1997 Joey Oatmeal Stream Thursday. Mouse Cheese Friday. Back To The Future Saturday. Simpcast Watch Party Sunday the 8th day of May. The Money in Abortion Monday. Trump Won 2020 Mask Tuesday. Kirk Cameron Secret Statue Wednesday. YouTube City is Hotel California Song Las Vegas Thursday. White Trash, Preferred Pronoun, Hate Speech Friday. Oatmeal Live Video Saturday. Isabella Riley Sunday the 15th. Abortion is NOT Miscarriages Monday. Mullens World Live Day Tuesday. BANNED AGAIN FOR SAYING WHITE TRASH Wednesday. Monkey Money Pox Pandemic Possibility Thursday. Being Shy Together Friday. Don't Care Bears Saturday. Lauren Chen the Sunday the 22nd. YouTube Goals Monday. 2022 Rescue Rangers Tuesday. JoeyArnoldVN Twitter Back Wednesday. YouTube Removed 3 of my videos today Thursday. Rob Roy Merrick Infocomms Friday. YouTube FUCKED & MURDER RAPED The Mango Haze Show Saturday. Mango Haze KILLS OATMEAL Sunday the 29th. I was given a 2nd strike on my JoeyArnold7 YouTube channel for my 2A pre-1776 history and Swiss Mountain video which Google said was spam. It was just Alex Jones talking and my commentary. They didn't strike my other AJ clips. Freedom Toons Monday. Top Gun Crowder Mango Tuesday. Stumble Chat June 2022-06 - JUNE - MONTH IN REVIEW Maxwell to pay for doing nothing? Stumble Chat Mango Haze Day Wednesday the first day of June of 2022. Stumble Chat Website Banned Thursday. Cosmos Stumble Chat Sides With Mango Friday. Cosmos Nukes Stumble Chat to Hell Saturday. Queen of Green Sunday the 5th. Stumble Live Four Hours Monday. Video removed because "REGULATED GOODS" but what does that mean? Tuesday. Mango Haze Forever Kathy Wednesday. Charles Dwight Picket Jr Funeral Thursday. High School Justin Bieber Covid Vaccine Face Melt Friday. Roy Merick Chris Fuller Saturday. BITCHUTE CENSORS VIDEOS NOW Sunday the 12th. Scan It Copy It Blondie Monday. Lawn Mower Bullet Ghetto Maine Tuesday. Little Anna Barbie Riding Hood Wednesday. 600+ Views Memes World YouTube Shorts Video Thursday. Friday Night Tights Texas Friday. Dancing Naked Joey Saturday. Outside Memes World RV Woods Headache Sunday the 19th. OJAWALL2 IS HERE Monday. Forty Four Coolers Tuesday. Bugs Bunny Carbon Sick Wednesday. Jurassic Park Umbrella Academy Thursday. Stealing Sky Friday. Lil Sniff arrived to Discord Saturday. Pink Sucks Sunday the 26th. Facebook Add Me Spam Monday. Sky Hates America Tuesday. Check out Tanya Fear on Hotep Jesus and on Twitter Wednesday. Epson scanner brought in. JSA Trinity Mentioned Thursday. SnapChat Ben Shapiro Lauren Southern Cow 2022-07 - JULY - MONTH IN REVIEW Alex Jones Great Reset Book Fake Men vs Real Men Friday the first day of July of 2022. MAGA Month July Hot Saturday. George Washington Suck It England Sunday. Joey Haters Unite Monday. Legal Bytes was on Tim Pool Cast Tuesday. Nazi Klaus Schwab Wednesday. Fairy God Brother Hollywood Hulk Hogan Crump Potatoes Thursday. DAILY WIRE REMOVED MY FAIR USE REVIEW OF TERROR ON THE PRAIRIE STARRING GINA CARANO Friday. Daily Wire Ben Shapiro Attacks Joey Arnold Saturday. Netherlands Farmers Forced to Murder Cows Sunday the 10th. Hunter Biden. Jerone Davison for Congress Monday. Eric July One Million Dollars Rippa Verse Tuesday. Royce White Over Ilhan Omar Wednesday. Snap Chat Whats App Stone Alone Thursday. Bitcoin Double Back Dollars Now Friday. MAKE MONEY BITCOIN DOLLARS 2030 WITH JOEY ARTICLE Saturday. BIDEN TRUMP MURDERED BEFORE 2025 IS THE PLAN Sunday the 17th. West World Computers Died Monday. Chuck Norris Covid Computer Problems Tuesday. Scammer Joey Wednesday. Lauren Southern Biography Video Thursday. Tommy Robinson Fucked Up Friday. Naked Nude Tim Cast Pool Girl Saturday. Paul Joseph Watson Was a Dick to Lauren Southern Sunday the 24th. Ben Shapiro Daily Wire Gina Carano Terror on The Prairie Video Restored Monday. Austyn Lily @austynlily Wants To Fuck Sex Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn Tuesday. Southern Pool Hard Floppy Wednesday. McDonald's Booster Barbie Thursday. NBC is Racist Friday. FLOPPER SNAP CHAT Saturday. Yoda Joey Sunday. FBI Trump Raid 2022-08 - AUGUST - MONTH IN REVIEW Little Red Riding Hood, created by West World Robot People Patriots Door Monday the first day of August of 2022. Sandy Hook Alex Jones Snap Chat Bully Tuesday. PROOF JOEY ARNOLD IS A FISH Wednesday. They Alex Jones You Thursday. Fuck Alex Jones Avatar Friday. Shed Doors Finished Saturday. Stopping Free Speech Forever Sunday the 8th. FBI Raids Trump, Laura Loomer For Congress Monday. Facebook Gave Nebraska Cops a Girl's Private Messages so they could prosecute her Tuesday. Trump pleaded the 5th. FBI TYRANNY Wednesday. Lake Day. Heat Power Over Solar Power Thursday. IRS WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE WITH GUNS TO MURDER YOU Friday. Hollywood Suck But Gina Carano Cool Saturday. Tummy Pain Awakening Sunday the 14th. Strawberry Cage Make Monday. Wood Trailer Filled Up Tuesday. Anne Heche was in Toxic Skies Wednesday. Trump Trolls Democrats Thursday. Las Vegas Friday Night Tights Friday. Bitcoin For Covid Mega-Deal Saturday. Retarded Oatmeal Sunday the 21st. Fauci Out, YouTube Banned Andrew Tate Monday. Facebook Attacked Tyler Merritt Tuesday. Unstoppable Patience of Unbeatable Justice Wednesday. Rogan Facebook Pizza Berries Day Thursday. Cough Thing Friday. Cough Thing Saturday. Maria Zeee Media Sunday the 28th. UK's Pawn Was Hitler Monday. Snap Chat Ban, Trump Vaccine Murders People Tuesday. The Value in Families, Wednesday. Roy Merrick Into The Wild September 2022-09 - SEPTEMBER - MONTH IN REVIEW Roy Merrick Memes World Productions Meme, Oatmeal Joey Fly Water Well Broke Thursday, the first day of September of 2022. We got water. We prepared salmon. Hitler Biden speech Thursday. Blue Hair Neo Matrix Craiyon Friday. Berry Hunting Saturday. Dangerous Wounded Cornered Wild Animal Deep State Sunday the fourth. Labor Day Nap Monday. Covid Vaccine Death Due to Climate Change Tuesday. Computer History Research Wednesday. Queen Elizabeth Died Thursday. Cobra Kai Five Tom MacDonald Riot Hitler Book Revealed Future Friday. Dirt Box Making, Cobra Kai Reviewing Saturday. Boshido Sunday the 11th. Disney Mermaid Lila Hart Monday. Into The Wild 2007 Movie Tuesday. 511 Tactical My Frosk Wednesday. Facebook Sent You to FBI Thursday. NBC Deleted Trash Friday. Rob Schneider Saturday. Oatmeal Spears Reflection Sunday the 18th. Iron Fish Miracle Monday. Cancer Kill at 111 Hz Tuesday. 432 Hz Sound Magic Wednesday. Memes World Oatmeal 011 Thursday. They FUCK ALEX JONES AND THEN YOU ARE NEXT AHAHAHAHAAAA Friday. ALEX JONES is LOL COW? Saturday. Safe & Effective No More Sunday the 26th. Two Community Guidelines For JoeyArnold7 Monday. Philly Pro Murder Tuesday. SANDY HOOK 2012-12-14 Wednesday. YouTube Said Alex Jones is Spam Thursday. Schools Bypass Parental Rights Friday. YouTube Deleted My 10K+ Videos 2022-10 - OCTOBER - MONTH IN REVIEW 2022-10-31 - Monday - Roy Merrick - Oatmeal Halloween Zombie 01, OAT_Halloween_Zombie.gif Adam Curry Saturday the first day of October of 2022. EZ Tcum Blazer Meme Sunday. Frozen Bank Accounts Blamed on Climate Scam Monday. Mark Zuckerberg Stole My FUCKING BIKE, My First 8 Years on Facebook Tuesday. Find Your Hill Wednesday. Darth Joey Vietnam Bike Break Thursday. Finding KathyBike Friday. Ukraine False Flags Coming Saturday. Microsoft Bill Gates, King of De-Pop Sunday the 10th. 1974 CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL FREEZING COMING SOON. NOT WARMING Monday. I put up fence posts. Lost 13K+ Facebook Followers Tuesday. ALEX JONES MUST PAY A BILLION DOLLARS OR MORE Wednesday. Anna Barbie Thursday. Nine Fence Posts Finished Friday. YouTube Ring of Power vs My Videos Saturday. Blurt Mango Haze Sunday the 16th. Global Warming Made Greta Fat Monday. RV toilet empty. Truck washed. Lawnmower maintenance. YOUTUBE FUCKING DESTROYED 10K+ VIDEOS OF MINE. YouTube banned my JoeyArnold7 channel today Tuesday. YouTube is Lying About Me On Twitter Wednesday. YOUTUBE FUCKED OATMEAL Thursday. YouTube MUST MURDER OATMEAL Friday. YouTube Stole From Oatmeal Saturday. YouTube Banned Me Over Integrity Sunday the 23rd. I HOPE YOUTUBE SUES ME FOR THE TEN MILLION DOLLARS THEY OWE ME Monday. KICKED OFF YOUTUBE FOR SAYING WHAT HILLARY SAID Tuesday. G.I. Oatmeal Joe Roy Merrick Meme Wednesday. Elon Musk Bought Twitter Thursday. OATMEAL IS CLICK BAIT Friday. Yahoo Deleted My Emails Saturday. YouTube Yahoo vs Oatmeal Sunday. Communists Are Trying to Conquer Brazil Monday, Halloween Eve. Twitter Elon Musk Restores Trump 2022-11 - NOVEMBER - MONTH IN REVIEW Robots can save and kill us depending on who is in control of the robots. Trump. Twitter. Discord. Oregon. My Chirpty Grapes Tuesday The First Day of November of 2022. Grape fences and hoses rolled up. Globalists Invading Brazil Wednesday. Danielle Dsouza Thursday. Greta Frosk Friday. Haiti Didn't Get Many Covid Deaths Saturday. The Big Three, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Kanye West Sunday the 6th. Kathy griffith my 10K+ bikes, I mean videos, I mean YouTube did it Monday. Kari Lake Won Tuesday. Milo on Tim. Google Steal Elections Wednesday. Garden bed flip. Brazil Arizona Stolen Thursday. Garden bed flip. Centralizing Voting Sucks Friday. Geraldy Nuked my Oatmeal Discord Server Saturday. He still under the weather. Up Chuck Dennis Nedry Banned Oatmeal Sunday the 14th. Hobo Oatmeal Monday. Trump 2024 Tuesday. Over 30% of the Arizona Tabulators Were Broken Wednesday. Twitter Staff Quit Thursday. Taylor Swift For US President 2024 Friday. Twitter Elon Musk Restores Trump Saturday. DNA Sunday the 20th. Elon Musk Lies About Alex Jones Monday. Children Murderers Are On Twitter Tuesday. Oregon. Alison Steinberg @alisonsragepage Wednesday. Happy Thanksgiving Brain CPU Thursday. Facebook Bans Britney Spears Friday. Classic Diner Trump Kanye West Saturday. Free China Sunday. Alisons Rage Page, Steinberg, Find Her on OAN, Twitter, Banned Video, Etc. Kanye West Tim Pool Monday. Twitter Elon Musk Africa Children Cobalt Mine Slaves Tuesday. Animals Circling Wednesday. Kanye West Alex Jones Snow Hill Joshua December 2022-12 - DECEMBER - MONTH IN REVIEW Kanye West on Alex Jones in December of 2022 Snow Hill. Elon Musk Banned Kanye West For Alex Jones Thursday the first day of December of 2022. Elon Musk Wrong To Ban Kanye West Over Symbol Friday. Snow igloo continued. Naked Communist Book Saturday. Star Trek Continues Dot Com Sunday the 4th. Roof Hero Wars Gavin Kanye West Monday. No Internet Night. Branches Snow Twitter Spaces Hero Wars Titanic Phones Tuesday. We Are Change Luke Rudkowski Mind Control Porn Hub Wednesday. Kirk Cameron Brave Books Thursday. Save Baby Will Dot Com Friday. Michael Jackson Kanye West Saturday. Joshua Simpcast Snow Sunday the 11th. Bob Barker Fusion Energy Monday. Greene Alex Jones Tuesday. Elon Musk Talks Doxing, Jay Dyer On Chrissie Mayr Wednesday. Trump Cards, Michael Malice Alex Jones Thursday. Covid Vaccines On X-Files Friday. Trump Trading Cards, Fake Owen Shroyer on Twitter, Hallmark's I Believe in Santa Saturday. Twitter Elon Musk Banning Links? Sunday the 18th. It's snowing. Eleana Musk Monday. Israel Covid Vaccine Killing Tuesday. Big Pharma Trillions 2021 Wednesday. Elon Musk Twitter Post Views Thursday. 1968 BBC2's Thirty-Minute Theatre Friday. Christmas Eve Google Earth Google Space The Amazing Maurice Saturday. Rain Christmas Twitter Banned Deagan Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast Potato Sunday the 25th. Slow Steady Amsterdam Christian Bale Monday. Alex Jones George Bush 1998 Tuesday. Helped Her Move, Kirk Cameron, Monitoring Truth Lovers Wednesday. Andrew Tate, Treaty of Rome Thursday. Matrix Elon Musk Neo Twitter Unlearn Friday. Andrew Tate Saturday. HOW TO FIND ME ON THE INTERNET CONTACT | SEARCH | GOOGLE | BING | DUCK | YAHOO | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | YANDEX | YOUTUBE | ETC 2015 SAIGON VIETNAM OATMEAL ENGLISH CLUB PARTY CLUBS/COMMUNITIES/GROUPS/HUBS/TRIBES Cobra Kai Alien January Honking Dead Attic Russia Ukraine February Will Smith Slaps Free Speech March Memes World Productions April Mango Haze Picard Twitter Stumble Chat June SnapChat Ben Shapiro Lauren Southern Cow FBI Trump Raid Roy Merrick Into The Wild September YouTube Deleted My 10K+ Videos October Twitter Elon Musk Restores Trump Kanye West Alex Jones Snow Hill Joshua December FORBIDDEN FORECASTS OF INFINITE ALTITUDES DARING ENDEAVORS FOR ENDEARING SOULS FINDING OATMEAL BEFORE OATMEAL FINDS YOU



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